Can You Drink Breath Easy Tea Pregnant

Many women opt for tea as a natural, healthy, and satisfying drink during pregnancy.

But while it certainly has its benefits, you may be surprised to learn that it's not without its risks.

We'll cover everything you need to know about drinking tea while pregnant. How it can help, how it can hurt, and some of the best teas to enjoy while you're pregnant.

  • The Different Types of Tea
  • Benefits of Drinking Tea During Pregnancy
  • Precautions When Drinking Tea While Pregnant
  • How Much Caffeine Does Tea Have?
  • What Teas are Recommended During Pregnancy?
  • What About Nettle Tea?
  • The Bottom Line

The Different Types of Tea

Tea is made by pouring boiling water over dried leaves and letting them steep, allowing the flavor to infuse the hot water. It is the most widely consumed beverage in the world, deeply entrenched in many cultures across the globe.

Tea can be made from a nearly endless number of plants. The flavors are often enhanced by combining different types of herbs or spices along with the main tea leaves to create unique concoctions.

Teas fall into one of two categories:

  1. Real Tea: If you're a tea purist, there's only one type of tea, and this is it. Real tea comes from one type of plant, Camellia sinensis. Different varieties are created by altering the processing methods of the tea leaf. Green, black, white, pu-ehr, and oolong teas are all considered "real tea" and are made from the same plant (1). Real teas are naturally caffeinated but can be made into decaf through additional processing.
  2. Herbal Tea: Herbal teas are made from the leaves, flowers, bark, stems, or any other parts of various plants. Sometimes instead of steeping the leaves in hot water, tea is made by boiling the herbs directly. This method is more commonly used when making tea from bark, stems, or other more dense parts of the plant. Herbal teas are naturally decaffeinated.

Benefits of Drinking Tea During Pregnancy

There are many benefits to drinking tea while pregnant, including:

1. It Can Help Keep You Hydrated

It's easy to get out of the water-drinking habit when you can't keep anything down, have a stomach that is compressed by your baby, and feel the need to run to the bathroom every 20 minutes. As a result, dehydration can easily happen when you're pregnant.

Even if you're not dehydrated to the point you need medical attention, you may be walking around with less water in your body than you need.

Even minor dehydration can exacerbate common pregnancy complaints such as:

  • Constipation.
  • Water retention.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headache.
  • Sleep difficulties.

Take caution since highly caffeinated teas can have a diuretic effect, which means they can make you urinate more often and, in turn, cause dehydration if consumed in large amounts. Avoid brewing your tea for a long time since that can raise the caffeine level, and remember that black and oolong teas are known to contain the most caffeine. Herbal teas are mostly caffeine-free and tend to be better for hydration.

Headshot of Dr. Njoud Jweihan, MD

Editor's Note:

Dr. Njoud Jweihan, MD

2. It Can Combat Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is one of the most difficult pregnancy symptoms, making it a challenge to enjoy the early months.

Morning sickness most commonly occurs on an empty stomach, leaving pregnant mothers in a Catch-22 in which they need something in their stomach to make them feel better yet find it difficult to stomach a lot of food or beverages.

One of the most common pregnancy aversions is coffee, so if you're accustomed to waking in the morning and having a coffee first thing, you need to find a substitute that will not only satisfy but that you'll also find palatable.

Ginger is an effective ingredient to soothe nausea, and there are lots of ginger teas on the market. If you find it difficult to stomach a cup of hot tea, pour it over ice and add pasteurized honey or sugar to make a sweet iced tea version. Cold and sweet foods are often easier to keep down if you struggle with morning sickness. Another type of tea that can ease morning sickness is lemon balm. If you are at high risk for miscarriage, avoid chamomile and peppermint tea, especially in the first trimester.

3. Tea Has Antioxidants and Nutrients

Antioxidants are naturally-occurring substances in plants that remove waste products that can cause potential cell damage (2). These damaging waste products, called free radicals, are responsible for signs of aging in our skin and have even been implicated in the development of cancer.

Take Note

When you're pregnant, the placenta naturally produces waste products in your body. Evidence shows that an adequate amount of antioxidants is necessary to remove this waste, and a lack of antioxidants may contribute to negative pregnancy outcomes, such as miscarriage (3).

To be clear, antioxidants are not unique to tea. They are available through many other foods, but tea is one way to get them into your body. The more antioxidants you have in your body, the better.

Tea also has nutrients that are important in pregnancy. These include calcium, magnesium, and iron. Tea also helps to boost your immune system, which is ultra-important to ward off disease.

Some studies say that adding milk to your tea neutralizes many of its benefits, including its antioxidants and nutrients, so try to avoid adding milk, and add some flavor such as herbs or lemon instead (4). You should avoid tea bags since they are considered not as effective and beneficial as loose leaf tea.

Headshot of Dr. Njoud Jweihan, MD

Editor's Note:

Dr. Njoud Jweihan, MD

4. Tea Can Help Prepare You for Labor

Aside from the health benefits that are good for you whether you're pregnant or not, some teas claim to help you during pregnancy specifically.

Some herbal teas, such as red raspberry leaf tea and cinnamon-flavored teas, are believed to help tone your uterine muscles. This can help you prepare for labor, making your contractions more efficient and, hopefully, shortening your labor.

5. It Can Help You Relax

There's something very soothing about sitting down with a warm cup of tea. Many tea drinkers love the feeling of relaxation that comes over them as they take in the aroma of the tea and pause to breathe.

Pregnancy can be a stressful time that can turn you into a bundle of nerves. If a cup of tea can give you a few minutes of relaxation, you should go for it.

Precautions When Drinking Tea While Pregnant

When choosing tea while pregnant, consider the following:

1. Tea Has Caffeine

Tea has caffeine, which is widely considered okay during pregnancy as long as you consume it in moderation. About 200mg or 12oz of caffeine a day should be acceptable for most pregnant women. Even "decaffeinated" varieties have a little caffeine. Be mindful of the caffeine levels in the tea product you choose.

2. Health Claims are Not Regulated

Many herbal teas brands claim they will enhance your health in certain ways. However, most of the claims they make are not backed by scientific research.

When the science is in question, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that manufacturers include a disclaimer (5). If you are purchasing a tea specifically for its touted health benefits, check the side or back of the box.

Check The Box

If it says, "These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease," then proceed with caution.

It doesn't mean the product won't work in the way you'd like it to, but it might be worth doing a little more research before trying it.

3. Some Have Ingredients that Aren't Safe During Pregnancy

This can be a bit dicey because herbal health claims aren't regulated. But when you're pregnant, it's better to be safe than sorry. Some herbal teas have ingredients that may not be safe while pregnant.

If you're pregnant, it's a good idea to avoid teas that include the following ingredients (6):

  • Chamomile.
  • Dandelion.
  • Earl Grey.
  • Licorice tea.
  • Cohosh.
  • Rosehip.
  • Yellow dock.
  • Dong Quai.
  • Nettle.

You should also avoid herbal blends that are marketed to relieve PMS symptoms, help with menstruation, detoxify the body or liver, or help you lose weight. These likely include ingredients that are not recommended for pregnancy.

Whenever purchasing an herbal blend tea, read the ingredient label to ensure it doesn't contain any of the ingredients listed here. Some teas have instructions for women that specifically mention phrases such as "avoid if pregnant" or "consult with your doctor before use."

4. Some Teas Contain Arsenic and Pesticides in Varying Degrees

While teas are full of healthy minerals, some brands are organic while others aren't. Studies have shown some brands contain an alarming amount of pesticides, arsenic, lead, and other undesirable ingredients.

Take Note

Organic teas may cost more, but it might be worth springing for them during pregnancy.

How Much Caffeine Does Tea Have?

A typical 8-ounce cup of real tea has anywhere between 20-48 milligrams of caffeine (7). The exact amount will depend on the type of tea, brewing method, and processing of the tea leaves, but it is considerably less than a cup of brewed coffee, which runs about 95-165 milligrams.

Green tea tends to have less caffeine than black tea, which can have up to 90 mg of caffeine, and the decaffeinated varieties still have a bit of caffeine — somewhere around 3 milligrams.

Herbal teas are naturally decaffeinated but may still contain up to half a milligram of caffeine.

No conclusive studies have been conducted on the effects of caffeine on pregnancy (8). However, there does seem to be evidence that it may be linked to miscarriage, preterm labor, and some birth defects. We also understand that caffeine crosses the placenta and can affect the baby's immature digestive system, which is not yet equipped to handle the substance.

For these reasons, it's generally recommended that pregnant women limit themselves to 200 milligrams of caffeine per day or one 12-ounce cup of coffee. For comparison, you could sip four cups of caffeinated tea throughout the day and still likely be under that amount.

What Teas are Recommended During Pregnancy?

If you're looking for the best teas to drink while pregnant, you can choose from the following:

  • Real Tea: Black, green, and oolong tea are all considered safe to consume during pregnancy. However, the main concern with these teas is their level of caffeine. So if you drink real tea, limit yourself to four 8-ounce cups per day, or opt for decaffeinated varieties to get the flavor without the jolt.
  • Red Raspberry Leaf Tea: This is an herbal tea made with leaves from the raspberry plant. It is believed to tone the uterus and help prepare for labor. However, most medical providers recommend skipping this tea during the first trimester and drinking it only during the second and third — just to be safe.
  • Peppermint Leaf Tea: This herbal tea is widely believed to be safe during pregnancy. It also tends to be more palatable to those with a queasy stomach and is believed to help with morning sickness. Avoid this tea if you have heartburn or acid reflux since it can worsen your symptoms.
  • Ginger Root Tea: Ginger is widely used across cultures to combat nausea. This is a great option to try if you suffer from pregnancy-related nausea.

There are many other options available — many of which your girlfriends probably drank while they were expecting. However, the problem is the limited information available about their effects on the fetus.

Because of this, our list of recommended teas is very short since we believe it's best to err on the side of caution and stick with the basics.

Avoid overindulging in drinking any kind of tea since some studies show it can limit the absorption of iron and folic acid, which are very important for your baby's development. (9)

Headshot of Dr. Njoud Jweihan, MD

Editor's Note:

Dr. Njoud Jweihan, MD

What About Nettle Tea?

Nettle tea is an herbal tea made from the stinging nettles plant. It is listed as "Likely Unsafe for Pregnancy" in the Natural Medicines Database but is still widely recommended by midwives and herbal experts. It is often included as an ingredient in tea blends marketed specifically for pregnancy.

The difference between the recommended use and the actual use is likely related to the part of the plant used to make the tea. For pregnancy, it's thought that using the leaves from the nettle plant renders it safe, while teas made from the roots are not.

Still, most medical practitioners consider nettle tea to be "off-limits" for pregnant women as the Natural Medicines Database does not distinguish between teas made from the leaves or roots. For this reason, we take a conservative approach and do not recommend nettle tea during pregnancy.

A Word Of Caution

If you purchase a commercial "pregnancy tea," check the ingredients list to make sure nettles are not included.

The Bottom Line

In moderation, tea can be a beneficial addition to your diet during pregnancy. It can help to alleviate some of your common pregnancy complaints and offers you a less-caffeinated alternative to your morning cup of coffee.

Just keep in mind the guidelines we have listed above, limiting your caffeine intake to 200mg per day and avoiding ingredients that are not safe for pregnancy, such as Dong Quai and nettles.

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